When it comes to regulating your indoor climate, the terms “air conditioner” and “heat pump” quickly pop up. A combination of these two terms, called an air-to-air heat pump air conditioner, is also available.

Find out in this article how this device combines the best of both worlds.

An air-to-air heat pump air conditioner: here's how it works

A air conditioner is a must-have for your home during hot summer days, as the unit allows you to enjoy cooling and comfort inside. An air-to-air heat pump, on the other hand, offers not only cooling but also heating during cold winter months. Unlike traditional heating systems, a heat pump runs on electricity and does not consume fossil fuels.

So an air conditioner and an air-to-air heat pump work in the same way, only they are used for different purposes. Furthermore, an air-to-air heat pump can function perfectly well as an air conditioner. The operation of the device can be reversed, so that it produces cold air rather than hot air. In that case, we refer to it as an air-to-air heat pump air conditioner. An example of such a device is the Aerocomfort+, an innovative system that allows you to cool your home during hot days and heat it on cold days, all from one compact unit.

Conclusion: you can think of an air-to-air heat pump air conditioner as a 2-in-1 device that always helps you achieve the ideal indoor temperature.

The benefits of an air-to-air heat pump air conditioner

An air conditioner with an air-to-air heat pump offers several advantages. We list the main ones:

  • As stated, one of the main benefits is that it provides both cooling and heating. This allows you to enjoy a comfortable indoor climate throughout the year, regardless of the weather outside.
  • Furthermore, air-to-air heat pumps are also known for their energy efficiency and environmental friendliness. They use outside air to transfer heat indoors, using less energy than traditional heating systems. This not only results in lower energy costs, but also reduced CO2 emissions, making them a sustainable choice for the environment.
  • Another benefit of an air-to-air heat pump air conditioner is the cost savings and payback period. Although the initial investment may be a little higher, the long-term energy savings can help recoup this cost quickly.
  • Finally, air-to-air heat pump air conditioners often allow for the addition of air purification elements, which benefits people with allergies or sensitivity to air pollution. The filters in the air conditioner can capture allergens and improve indoor air quality, relieving allergies and promoting a healthier indoor environment.

Installation and maintenance

Installing a monoblock air conditioner with an air-to-air heat pump is usually not a difficult process. It has the following steps:

  • The air conditioning installer will drill two holes in the outside wall. These holes are 10 to 15 cm in diameter and are intended for return air.
  • Next, the grilles, air ducts and the monoblock unit itself are installed.
  • The air conditioning installer then attaches the bracket to the wall before firmly attaching the monoblock unit.

Air-to-air heat pump air conditioners are also easy when it comes to maintenance. These air conditioners require almost no maintenance, making it easy for you to do it yourself. However, if you want more than that, you can choose to have your air conditioner checked annually.

Looking for an air conditioning system that is easy to adjust and requires minimal maintenance? Contact AeroConsult now and our expert team is ready to assist you.
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