Master bacteria in the home!

Bacteria are microscopic organisms that can multiply themselves rapidly in various environments, including on and in living organisms. Avoiding bacteria is desirable because they can cause various diseases, such as respiratory infections, food poisoning and skin infections.

It goes without saying that you prefer to keep bacteria in your home to a minimum. To protect yourself, you can take several measures, such as cleaning your home regularly and using air purifiers.

Air purifiers as a means of controlling bacteria in the home

Air purifiers are an effective strategy for reducing bacteria in the home. They can accomplish this in several ways:

- Some air purifiers are equipped with built-in filters that remove some of the bacteria present in the air.

- In addition, air purifiers can eliminate bacteria through ionisatietechnologie. This technology causes the bacteria to adhere to each other, making them large enough to be filtered.

- Moreover, there are also air purifiers available that use a combination of these systems.

Ionization as an effective air purifier against bacteria

Ionization is a very reliable technology for making your home as bacteria-free as possible. Ions are molecules that have lost or gained an electron, resulting in a negative or positive charge and polarization. Aeroconsult implements all the benefits of ionization in your home.

Our ionization systems work in a similar way to the effect of a powerful thunderstorm on air quality. During thunderstorms, negative ions are created, which are beneficial for air purity and the oxygen content of air molecules. Negative ions also have a proven positive effect on the oxygen absorption of the human body and on histamine production. In addition to reducing viruses, they contribute to a lower concentration of fine dust and neutralize unwanted odors.

Ionization of air with Aeroconsult

AeroConsult is an expert in all systems that improve indoor air quality. Our air purifiers generate billions of electrons per second, which are converted into negative ions upon contact with oxygen molecules in the air. This electron production creates a concentration of more than 250,000 negative ions per cubic centimeter without any ozone production.

This makes AeroConsult the first company to offer this technology without the negative side effects. The result is: healthier indoor air, completely free from dryness, viruses, bacteria, fine dust, or pollen.

Our systems are patented and can be installed without installation. They can also be installed in combination with other systems such as air conditioning or balanced ventilation.

Scientifically proven

To prove that ionization technology works on bacteria, Global Plasma Systems (the designer of the specific mechanisms) conducted several scientific studies.

One of the scientific studies was a susceptibility test. In that test, they placed a pathogen in a petri dish in a laboratory, then exposed those petri dishes with bacteria to ionization technology.

The bacterium clostridium difficile was 86.8% reduced after a 30-minute exposure. Legionella had a reduction of as much as 99.7% after 30 minutes. They also conducted simulation tests in an installed, sealed, unoccupied laboratory room. A room more similar to reality. Again, the results were remarkable.

Hospital bacteria were 96.2% less present in the air after 30 minutes. With E.coli, it was even more remarkable: 99.6% of the bacteria were gone from the air after barely 15 minutes.

Free expertise

Master bacteria in the home!

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Do you want to be sure of healthy air in your home? Then contact Aeroconsult without obligation and we will be happy to help you.

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