Why is air purification necessary?

The average Fleming spends most of his or her time indoors. Nevertheless, we find that indoor air quality is often considerably worse than we think. For example, we unknowingly bring particulate matter and CO2 emissions indoors, and people sometimes dare to forget to ventilate. Pollen, dust mites and pet hair can also greatly reduce air quality. This can lead to various adverse effects for residents, especially the elderly and people with allergies.

Our solutions for clean indoor air

Need help choosing the right appliance? Make a no-obligation appointment with one of our experts. Together we will look at the possibilities.
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How does ionisation work?

AeroConsult uses a technology called ionization. Ions are nature's cleaners and you can find them all over the world. Ionization produces billions of electrons per second that battle polluted microparticles in the air. Because of those electrons, microparticles cling to each other. Thus, they become large enough to pass through ventilation or air conditioner to be led outside.

What culprits is AeroConsult tackling with air purification?


Suffering from hay fever or dust allergy? Thanks to AeroConsult's air purification, you can breathe easy again in your own home. Of course, our systems of air filtration are also effective for other allergies related to the respiratory system. With AeroConsult, you can finally enjoy the beautiful spring weather. Breathe deeply in and out with relief thanks to our ionization.

Smog, particulates and tobacco smoke

Protect yourself from smog, particulate matter and tobacco smoke. That tobacco smoke affects your health is common knowledge, but smog and particulate matter can also cause permanent damage to your lungs. Especially people who already have a respiratory condition are especially susceptible to this, but also in children and the elderly, damage can occur.

Viruses and bacteria

With air purification, we can control not only allergies and particulate matter, but also viruses and bacteria are also combated. It has been scientifically proven that with ionization, norovirus was 93.5% less present in the air after 30 minutes of exposure to this technology. The test with hospital bacteria was also remarkable. It was 96.2% less present in the air after 30 minutes of exposure to the ionization technology.
So it goes without saying that ionization can be a great help in schools or at offices. Healthy air makes for healthier students and healthier employees and thus better productivity.

Dry air

Water evaporates faster in a room with dry air. The same goes for the throat and lungs, which makes your body less able to absorb oxygen. The perfect humidity is between 40% and 50%, but in the winter the humidity in your home quickly drops to 30%. This can be solved with AeroConsult's air purification. Ionization not only purifies the air, but also regulates humidity.

Free expertise desired?

Three good reasons to make an appointment with one of our field experts:
  • They review with you your needs
  • They make a free proposal to optimize your consumption
  • They are easily accessible: AeroConsult is present throughout Flanders

Contact us
Request a free expertise now by one of our field engineers in your area. They will be happy to help you find the perfect air purification system for your needs.

Contact AeroConsult