Dry air in the house, no fun

The humidity in your home plays a crucial role in creating a comfortable indoor environment and good air quality. Like excessive moisture in indoor air, excessively dry air in your home can also cause several problems. Find out how to recognize the symptoms of dry air and what you can take to address it.

What causes dry air in the home?

We speak of dry air when the humidity level in the house has fallen below 40%, while the ideal humidity level is between 40% and 60%. Too dry air in the home has several possible causes. These are the main ones:

- Low temperatures are the primary cause of dry air in the home. As temperatures drop, it becomes more difficult for the air to retain moisture. This is compounded by the fact that we often turn up the heat when it gets colder. - The less insulation your home has against the cold, the more likely dry air is to enter your home. - Finally, a lack of ventilation can also cause not enough moist air from outside to enter your home to compensate for the dry air.

Why is dry air unhealthy?

Dry air in the home can have a variety of negative consequences. The main consequences have to do with health. When you breathe dry air, your lungs cannot absorb enough oxygen. Asthmatics are especially sensitive to too low humidity. But even people without asthma can suffer from health problems:

- Dry or burning eyes- A scratchy throat- A dry cough, with coughing fits- Cracked lips- Irritated airways and difficulty breathing- Headaches- Fatigue- Concentration problems- Lowered immune system- Dry skin and hair Finally, moving dust particles move more easily in dry air. Thus, not only is that dry air an enemy, but also the dust. Something many people are sensitive to.

How do you know if the air in your home is too dry?

You can usually recognize excessively humid indoor air by a variety of symptoms.

- The health complaints mentioned above - Warping of window frames and wood floors - Damage to wooden furniture - Damage to the walls

What to do about dry air in the home?

Initially, it is important to ventilate adequately and not turn the heating up too high. Houseplants also make indoor air more humid. Want to effectively remedy dry air in your home while also making the air generally healthy? Then it makes sense to get an air purification system in your home. Aeroconsult is the specialist in everything to do with air purification to do with. We offer systems to combat any kind of air pollution in the home; including dry air.

How does Aeroconsult help with dry air?

Aeroconsult uses a technology called ionization in its air purification solutions. Ions are nature's cleaners; you can find them all over the world. Nature creates them with lightning and waterfalls, among other things. Have you ever taken a deep breath just after a thunderstorm? Then you know how clean the air can be. Aeroconsult creates those same ions with its patented technology. Aeroconsult's air purifiers produce billions of electrons per second that attack indoor air pollution. That creates a concentration of more than 250,000 negative ions per cm³ that strike against the dry air in the room. This technology not only improves humidity in the home. It also fights fine dust, ozone, toxic gases and germs spread through the air. All without causing additional damage to the environment. That makes Aeroconsult the first company to offer air purification systems without negative side effects on the environment. So not only do we provide clean air in your home, but also a clean planet.

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Prevent dry air with Aeroconsult

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