Improve air quality in the office

An average career spans about 40 years. During this time, you undoubtedly spend many hours at your workplace, whether in an office or elsewhere. Furthermore, the quality of the air in your workplace has a significant impact on both your performance and your health. Therefore, it is essential to air purification in the office seriously.

Find out how to optimize office air quality and make your workplace the most pleasant environment possible.

The importance of air purification in the office

Poor air quality in the office has several adverse effects. We list the main ones:

- As in the home, a lack of good indoor air can lead to various physical complaints, such as breathing problems and headaches. In the long run, chronic diseases may themselves develop.

- Not only are these health issues annoying, they also cause decreased productivity. For example, the ability to concentrate decreases significantly and you and your team will have much less energy and motivation.

- All of these issues can indirectly lead to decreased satisfaction and even consideration of a job change.

So these are all things you would rather avoid.

The causes of polluted air in the office

air purification office viruses

Viruses and bacteria

First of all, in the office, you spend eight hours a day (or longer) in the same room with different people. Maybe someone has the flu, coronavirus or a cold. Such a germs are transmitted by air, and before you know it, the whole office is sick.

air purification office pollen


As many as 20% of people suffer from allergies such as hay fever. Hay fever can be very troublesome and tiring. With air purification, besides germs and dust, pollen is also purified from the air. This reduces or even eliminates allergic reactions, and immediately makes the room a lot more pleasant to work in.

air purification office particulate matter

Fine dust and ozone

Finally, we are constantly exposed to particulate matter and smog. Both can cause many health problems. For example, particulate matter can cause shortness of breath, irritated airways or pneumonia. In extreme cases, it can even cause lung cancer. Smog or ozone can cause coughing, reduced lung function and eye irritation. This is only compounded when you work in or next to a workplace.

Deploying air purification in the office: the options

There is no question: clean air quality in the office is essential, and it is necessary to address the sources that cause air pollution. Air purification in the office can be achieved in several ways:

- Ventilate. Provide adequate ventilation to improve air circulation and let in fresh outside air.

- Plants. Placing specific plants in the office can help purify the air.

- Air Purification. Air purification solutions provide an effective and sustainable solution by removing pollutants and allergens from the air, resulting in improved overall air quality.

Boost office air quality with Aeroconsult

Aeroconsult specializes in air purification systems to significantly improve indoor air quality. With our patented technology, you are protected from air pollution from pollen, toxic gases, bacteria and viruses. Our systems also keep humidity levels from getting too low. This makes the air much more pleasant to live in.

All of our patented systems can be installed in two ways. You can have them installed separately (without installation), or we can install them in combination with an air conditioner or balanced ventilation.

Ionization as an effective air purifier against viruses

Ionization is a very reliable technology for thoroughly purifying your office's indoor air.

In ionization, ions play the main role. Ions are molecules that have lost or gained at least one electron. They are negatively or positively charged and thus polarized. Aeroconsult brings all the benefits of this ionization into your home.

The effect of our ionization systems can be compared to the effect of a strong thunderstorm on air quality. Thunderstorms generate negative ions that have a beneficial effect on air purity and the oxygen content of air molecules. Negative ions also have a proven effect on the human body's ability to better absorb oxygen and on histamine production.

Ionization of air with Aeroconsult

The Aeroconsult air purifiers produce billions of electrons per second that turn into negative ions when they come into contact with the oxygen molecules in the air. The production of these electrons results in a concentration of more than 250,000 negative ions per cm³ without any ozone production. This makes Aeroconsult the first company to offer this product without the negative side effects. The result is: an enriched air, completely free of dryness, viruses, bacteria, fine dust or pollen.

Find out more about our air purification solutions.

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Don't give allergens a chance and combat symptoms naturally

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